Thursday 28 August 2014

Tour of the St Stephen's International School, Khao Yai

Thought I'd put together a small video of the school and where we are staying. The house that is filmed is our temporary accommodation and we have now moved to a bigger house with a rat, a small Tokey gecko and some ants to welcome us home. We've managed to get rid of most of the these pests and rodents and now learnt to keep all of our dry food including rice and bread in sealed plastic boxes. This was also the same for all of our plates and bowls as we've been finding Gecko poo all over them. Not very sanitary and of course why would we expect the cupboard doors to actually close properly? We found a way round everything and have every pest repellent and rodent removal facilities at out disposal, this is now including gaffa tape to seal up small holes in the walls. 

We like our new home and its very clean its just not entirely sealed off to all elements and to all critters. It is hardly surprising that we've decided to book into a 4 star hotel called Chillax near Khao San Road in Bangkok over the weekend for a little bit of luxury. 

The school is a huge building and it was originally designed for a lot more students that we currently have enrolled, so it takes a while to get from one place to the other. All of the facilities are used by both students and staff as the school is very active and come together at least once a week to play a sport. For example we are playing some Touch Rugby with the other staff with some students this afternoon. There are many sports facilities available such as a football pitch, tennis courts, a pool, an indoor gym, some table tennis tables and a 9 hole golf course. 

Olly and I are swimming a lot as and practicing to get in as many lengths as we can in one sessions. The pool is around 25 metres and I can comfortably swim 20 there and back lengths (40 lengths in total). I am not very fast but like my running I find that I am able to swim for longer. 

The school has club everyday for the students to attend between 4-5pm. Olly is runs an Ultimate Frisbee club on Thursdays and I run a Primary Art Club on Mondays. I thought  it was cool that the Ultimate Frisbee runs on a Thursday like Red Ultimate back in Leicester so I like to join Olly in that club too, however we don't have the right frisbees to play with so we practice with the discs we do have (they are ok-ish) between students and play with the ones we bought from British Thumber Time. So if you find that you have some discs lying around going spare we would be grateful if you can send them over to us or give them to someone who is heading our way. 

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